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December 2021

Ocean Forest Seafeed

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Ocean Forest Seafeed

This Essence reminds us

With Love we’re connected

There’s no separation

Ocean Forest Seafeed

This Essence has been created from pieces of seaweed washed onto beaches around Australia, and collected and sent to me by lots of caring people; many thanks to you all!

The Essence was made beside the sea, under a mangrove forest as usual, in a beautiful calm, peaceful setting.

 The Angels, or Guides of Shell Essences wanted us to know how important the oceans are to our planet, to all who now live on the land, and the healing that lays waiting for us to rediscover. This is the first of two Essences from our oceans, to help reconnect us to the often-forgotten knowledge from our ancestors, who understood that the sea was our ‘mother’.

The energy-information transferred to us via these ‘sea-leaves’ from the forests of the ocean, will help us to expand our thinking, and enlarge our inner knowledge of the love and connectedness of all life and nature.

When we reconnect to our beautiful oceans, we will learn to survive, thrive, better understand healing, and spread the feeling of connectedness throughout our planet. We will learn that we are all connected, and each stitch in the beautiful tapestry of life is equally important.

This Essence from the ocean helps us to acknowledge the beautiful design of all life, be it great or small, land or ocean based, and realise that we, too, are designed to complement the planet to which we have arrived, and on which we are continuing to evolve. Our beautiful design can also connect us with the whole of life, and remove the separation we may be pushed to experience, and rejoin the healing energy of connectedness.

When we feel the sea rippling over our feet, it is sending the message to us of our connectedness to our planetary home, and to all the natural beauty that surrounds us. Every drop of water assists to create the ocean, and each ripple connects the ocean with the land. We are each drops of energy in the beautiful ocean of life.

The dolphins would like to communicate their wisdom to us.

Our neighbours the dolphins,
whose home is the sea,

Know we are all connected,
our Spirits are free.

Not tied to land, or ocean or sky;

But to the Spirit of Love, on which we rely.

This lovely connection that lives within each,

The dolphins remind us, is always in reach.

Don’t let fear distract us, we each play our part.

The dolphins inspire us to connect to our heart.

I believe we are on the threshold of the new energy of peace, love, and compassion, and are deciding to leave the old vibration of fear, separation and control behind. We are realizing that this old energy no longer serves any purpose for us. Year 2022 will be a fresh start – as long as we remain positive and optimistic, and each play our small, but valuable part in contributing to the positive change. Remember, from each small action big things can flow. 

(Read Kimberleigh’s information about Venus!)

 Testimonial – Ocean Forest Seafeed

“This Essence is for gently coaxing your awareness and vision to open lovingly and align. It strengthens your inner knowing of how to bring your Soul; your Higher Self; and your Ego into perfect alignment for you, so that your Spirit Self and your Human Self can act courageously in your own best interests.

It helps you to awaken to the fact that –

You are the universe you see; You are the universe you experience; You are the universe you live in.

If, like me, you don’t like what you currently see in the world around you; if you’re upset and unbalanced by the loss of freedoms; the political agendas; the ‘Against Universal Laws Restrictions currently facing the peoples of the world, using ‘Ocean Forest Seafeed’ can assist you to bring all-of-you back to wholeness, peace and balance.

I personally found my Soul Essence trying to operate in the realms of my Ego Mind when challenged by My Governing Body recently – perpetuating a Government Directive that I must be vaccinated – something that contravenes my personal beliefs and views. This sent me into fear, reactivity, and a downward spiral. I felt betrayed! I felt angry! I felt helpless!

Using a few drops of Ocean Forest Seafeed helped to quickly realign my Soul Essence back to its rightful place in my heart. My Higher Self instantly felt my permission to lift me up above the density, and filter through more joy, and my Soul-Source was able to softly direct my ego mind back towards balance and loving equilibrium.”  


  Kimberleigh Joblin – Naturopath Medical Astrologer.  

Ocean Forest Seafeed

“I have been troubled over the past week that a stickiness? Infection? Has been developing in my left eye. What dis-ease am I allowing to fester that needs my attention?

Yes, I am upset, angry, and even resentful at the manipulations I experience and see happening around me, and in the society, world.

The same day that Ocean Forest Seafeed arrived, I saw an angel in front of a bookcase across from where I was sitting. My emotional, Spiritual and Material Support was already with me??

This beautiful Essence is helping me to see and appreciate that what I see and admire (or not) in others, are but reflections of the same qualities in myself – and so now I can choose to become a more effective force for good in my world.    


  With hope and appreciation,                                                                                                                    Gillean

Moldavite and Meteorite

“One of my favourite Shell Essences is Moldavite. I work with the stone Moldavite and have for many years. the Essence that Nancy has produced is a high vibrational and potent remedy that had a profound effect on me when I began to use it. I combined it with Meteorite, and in my own practice christened them ‘Amazing Grace’.

One of the interesting energetic phrases we are going through at the moment involves healing the world wound, and as each of us heals our individual wound, so the world wound diminishes and heals along with us.

The two remedies that I am writing about here have a communality in that they have helped me to heal my own wound on many levels. Thus, I feel I am contributing to overall positive change in the world. Self-purification is normally not a quick process, however I found that when I used these remedies in gentle combination, my physical symptoms gave way much more easily.

  One of the things that my body has been longing for in the last year has been kindness. She abhors any unnecessary interference or invasion – these beautiful remedies to me are the epitomy of kindness – together and individually they help to overcome challenges – I am continuing to use this powerhouse combination ‘Amazing Grace’ to great effect.”

Dr, Cris Henderson   crishendo1@bigpond,com

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Astrology Information from Kimberleigh Joblin

Naturopath Medical Astrologer 0468411283

Although our major Luminary, the Transiting Sun, plus planets Mercury and Mars are currently highlighting the Scorpio part of our Zodiac skies – the deadly serious Taboo, Private, and Couples Finances, and till-death-do-us-part Zodiac area (ruled by Underworld Lord, Stealthy Pluto), I thought I’d like to focus on the Capricorn segment of our Zodiac Pie for this Newsletter.

Planet of Gorgeousness, Self-Worth, Value, Beauty and Money – VENUS has recently entered Capricorn, the 10th Astrology House, and the area that belongs to Government, or Authorities in the ‘Natural’ Zodiac System; Plus, each individuals area of your personal Mountain Peak/or Highest Aspirations/ Possibly Career House for this life-time.

She will have an extended stay in Capricorn – four months in fact, from early November 2021 until late February 2022. She normally takes around a month to move through each Astrological Sign, so this is an unusual event, and worth highlighting.

Beautiful Venus will execute her rare Retro-grade in Capricorn during this time-frame, transcribing another point in the heavens of the Venus Rose Mandala that she creates every several years with her rare retrogrades. The Venus Rose Mandala, relates to ‘spiritual’ points of significance to each individual on earth, allowing access to each of us for claiming inherent worth, worthiness, value, and Soul fulfilment.

The Venus Rose Points in the Mandala show where you, as an individual, can do the human work of integrating and grounding your desires and desirability into physical manifestations of your earthly existence. 

She brings beauty and value to your finances too.

While Venus transits in authoritarian Capricorn, we have a rare and extended opportunity to utilize the gifts of Shell (Venus guided) Essences.

Venus is the extraordinary benefactor of Shell Essences, gifting and imparting her feminine essence and healing goodies through the Shells, re-organising any ‘difficult astrology’ for each individual.

You may like to utilize the feminine flow and healing capacity of Shell Essences to assist you at this time in our troubled world. There are many to choose from, and some will be just right for you.

(Always choose with your intuition, and you will always benefit)

Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity

(recommended by the Dalai Lama)

“May I be a guard for those who need protection,

A guide for those on the Path.

A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood,

May I be a lamp in the darkness,

A resting place for the weary,

A healing medicine for those who are sick,

A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles,

And for the boundless multitudes of living beings

May I bring sustenance and awakening.

Enduring like the Earth and Sky

Until all beings are freed from sorrow

And all are awakened.”

 Shell Essences 
 Newsletter 85 specials 
 expires 1st February 

Free gift: Small ‘handbag size’ 30 ml spray

‘Light-Centered Joy. Reminds us to lighten up and enjoy life.

Special 1 

Ocean Forest Seafeed 

125 ml Spray and 25ml Stock

plus card

Let’s enjoy our connectedness with all of life.

Special price $40.00;

Save $5.70



Special 2

Angelic Ancestral Reconnection 

Box of 5 Essences to help reconnect us to our Angelic Helpers past and present and access their wisdom.

Callala Bay Scallop; Ammonite;

Rainbow Hematite; Red English Channel Sea Urchin; Stromatolite

Special price $95;   Save $30


Special 3


Two 125 ml Christmas Sprays: 

Love, Peace & Compassion, and Lighthearted Joy.

Just what we need to let go of all the fear, and have some fun.

Special price $50

Save $10


Special 4: 

Face Balm 40gms, and
Cleanser Toner 125ml.

 Both very popular products, and perfect for summer. 

Special Price  $55

Save $10

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Special 5 

Travel Pack: 

125ml Shampoo, Conditioner, & Shower Gel. 

Small containers easy to carry when we can travel again!!! 


 Special Price $35


Special 6: New Blend – ‘Restores Natural Health’     Stock $30 

This blend is designed to remove from the body any contamination from negative chemicals, medicines, etc, but will not remove any positive effects. Thus, our body would be able to restore its natural health. 

Image by Fabian Møller


on all orders

over $200

 within Australia

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