News Letter
New Infinite Energy Self Healing Sequence.
May 2016 Issue 57

Each Infinite Energy Essence has a great energy-healing ability, especially the last few created, but when five are combined into a sequence the results have been much more powerful. With this in mind I’ve created a Self-Healing Sequence.
For centuries we have denied our own self-healing ability and relied on others to heal us. This has been partially successful, as only our own inner-knowing recognizes the cause of our imbalances – which may be ancestral, past lives, and especially from repressed childhood experiences, and also from our parents. With awareness we can begin to release these negative patterns.
Self-Healing Sequence
I decided to trial this sequence myself before offering it to others.
I was very surprised by my forgotten childhood angst and the denial involved, which surfaced after the second day of taking the essences. After recognition the pain faded leaving only the awareness.
Next came much sadness from my teenage years. I became aware of the denial I’d used to cope with this sadness and restriction. By the next day this, too had dissolved leaving only the memories, but with a feeling of peace and understanding. Then came very detailed dreams which were like movies illustrating my hidden (or so I thought) fears and avoidances; the dreams illustrated my fears, but always had a happy ending.
Yes, it’s not comfortable when the memories and feelings arise; there’s no hiding from the truth; but releasing them is such a peaceful relief.
With the kit come instructions and an affirmation card.
I recommend taking the sequence twice a day for as long as you feel it’s useful. Nancy
The Self-healing Sequence
“The Self-healing Sequence has been a very revealing and interesting little journey for me. It has brought up many old wounds from childhood that I thought I had resolved, but can now see are still affecting me.
This sequence has brought to light how much fear holds me back from many things, and has triggered old anxieties.
The sequence has offered me situations to help heal old feelings and emotions, and at each point, I have had a good and solid feeling of support by my side as I have faced the challenge….. At times it has been hard and confronting to wade through these, but I have had a great sense of peace and calm throughout the process. I have been reminded every step of the way that ‘everything is OK’ and that I am so very loved and supported as I conquer these hurdles.
This particular sequence feels to me like it is helping to dissolve a lot of old patriarchal belief systems that are of no use with the new energy. It feels like I am working through and clearing these for myself, and hopefully for those to come after me within my family.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to have these glorious Essences by my side, giving me the support and strength required when faced with navigating these challenging times.” Jo.
I have had similar experiences to Jo as a lot of my father’s negative patterns have come up to be recognized and released.
Wound Healing Kit
“I recently used Shell Essences (Wound Healing Kit) to recover from surgery. The skill, expertise and caring provided to me by the staff to support my recovery was so much more than words can express. The Essences really helped me both physically and emotionally.
I recommend them to everyone to support your overall recovery and wellbeing.” Sherry.
“Dear Nancy, Thank you for my drops. Before the drops I could not understand my classwork or stay still in class. With my drops I am finishing my work and enjoying school again. I feel like a big cloud has lifted from around my head. I feel happy again. Thank you again.” From Jesse aged 9.
Shell Essence Personal Blend,
42 Muscle Balance, Chocolate Cowrie
“I can’t remember feeling this good for a long time. I waited a few days before emailing you to make sure that the feeling was real.
The Blend you sent me certainly started me on that track from the day I started taking them. Also the 42 Muscle Balance drops started to make such a difference that I feel really balanced, and the pains I get when I overuse my muscles have gone.
I have been spraying the kitchen with Chocolate Cowrie and the room looks brighter and more inviting. Also I now feel relaxed and at home here, whereas before I couldn’t stay put; I wanted to go out all the time. I can’t thank you enough.”
(I muscle–tested that there was underground water affecting the energy in her house. Underground water can be a long way under the ground, but if that flow is obstructed, and the water swirls in an anti-clockwise direction, it creates an energy which feels unpleasant and can be harmful if you are spending time in the affected area. Much worse in bedrooms of course. Our best remedy is a spray of Chocolate Cowrie.)
“Coincidentally, or perhaps synchronistically, when I began taking Ocean Jasper the foundations of my life began to shake. The circumstances I found myself in had the potential to change my life in a way I would never have consciously chosen. But I felt incredibly supported and in fact stronger than I ever had before.
There was a part of me watching it all with a sense of peace and even joy at the growth coming. There came a stillness inside. I was able to surrender. I knew that no matter what happened, All is Well. I had trust and faith that all was in its divine perfection.
I was able to look back on the darkest paths of this lifetime, and I knew that facing those shadows have formed the foundation for the Light. I felt blessed to have had so many experiences that allowed me to feel the deep love and compassion that is the essence of my being. I knew that those experiences gave me the tools I needed to get through this one. I am so grateful!!
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Ocean Jasper Essence. I know it helped me through a difficult time by allowing me to rise above the fears and doubts and see the big picture.” Liz
“I would like to thank you so much for your help with the Shell Essences.
You provided me with a mixture to assist with addressing past life issues which prevented me losing weight. I noticed within 2 days of taking the essences that I stopped focusing on food. I could go hours without eating, without the fear I was going to starve. I noticed I carried less food with me to work, as though I wasn’t preparing for a famine! I wanted to move my body more, and I have no guilt whatsoever with anything I eat. I have lost some weight which is due to eating less. Also I can really feel when I am full.
I have also taken Peaceful Sleep blend, and I go straight to bed! I have only had two doses and I sleep like a baby practically every night. I used to mentally keep myself up a lot prior to taking this essence!
I have no hesitation in taking any of the Shell Essences as they work!!!!
Thank you and Bless you.” Emily
Weight Loss and Peaceful Sleep
Dear Shell Essence friends, much gratitude to all those who are using the Essences and spreading the Shell Essence healing throughout their communities. Within the oneness of all, each person is making a difference. I wish you many blessings. Nancy
Shell Essences Healing Cards
The Shell Essence Cards are a harmonic of healing energy. The cards work in present time to re-balance our energy, put us back on track and also give some insight into the situation needing healing.
The Shell Essences can access the energy of other lives, ancestral patterns, and childhood to find the roots of an imbalance.
The cards however, work in present time to access what imbalance might be affecting us at the moment and re-balance that energy.
Using the Healing Cards:
First, shuffle the pack of 40 cards while focusing on your perceived problem.
Lay the cards in a circle in front of you, picture side upwards, overlapping the cards to make sure all fit into a circle.
Now shuffle the pack of Infinite Energy Cards, and place these in a circle inside the circle of the 40 original cards.
Notice which card in each circle lies directly in front of you, as you formed the circles. These 2 cards are your main healing cards.
Look at the pictures, read the affirmations on the reverse, and touch the words on each card to your chin (your central meridian) and then your heart.
Place the cards in the centre of the circles, and if any other cards catch your intuitive attention, do the same with these.
You may choose to wear the two main cards for the day over your heart centre, or leave the cards in the centre of the circles for the day.
Absent healing:
Have a photo, or write the name of the person to whom you’re directing the healing and place in the centre of the circle; shuffle and place the cards as explained above. Read the affirmations but don’t touch the cards to your chin or heart. Place the cards over the photo or name.
Leave the cards for a few hours or overnight.

Card Reading:
Shuffle the 40 card deck and place them in a circle as before, but place the last card in the centre of the circle. This card depicts your problem.
Choose another card from the circle and lay it across the first one. This card represents what is preventing healing.
Now choose another card and place it on the right – this is for healing the future. Choose another card and place it on the left – this is for healing the past.
Shuffle the set of Infinite cards, and intuitively choose 3. Place these over the top of the other 4 cards. These cards set the healing flow for the future.
Leave the cards for a short time to allow the healing to ‘set’.

Shell Essences
Newsletter 57
Expires 30th June 2016
These Specials prices are only available from Shell Essences office and Australian distributors.
Well, we’re certainly not crawling through 2016 – this year seems to be flying, and we all need to develop wings to keep up!
The Infinite Energy Essences are the Essences with wings, so hop on board and enjoy the ride. Yes there are always clouds and storms but as we rise above these we can float in beautiful blue sky and sunshine.
Special 4:
Time to re-stock the ever-popular and effective
125ml Sprays.
Choose 2, 3, or 4 Sprays:
2 Sprays - $50 (Save $5.00)
3 Sprays - $70 (Save $12.50)
4 Sprays - $90 (Save $20)

Special 2:
Healing Touch Hand Cleanser,
& Hand and Body Moisturiser.
One of each: Special price $40 (Save $10)
Two of each $75 (Save $25)
These make wonderful gifts.
Dose Essenshell Courage.
I think we all reach stages of our lives where it’s easier to sit rather than move forward. I believe Essenshell Courage can provide the impetus to keep going, even when there are difficulties.
Special 1:
Your choice of these great, popular Five Essence Kits.
Special Price $92.50 (Save $20.35).
The five Essences are always taken in sequence, and instructions are included.
42 Muscle Balance:
An all time favourite! Rebalances energy meridians after injury, physical stress, or chronic imbalances.
Self-Healing Sequence: New!
Read about it in this newsletter! This has been amazingly successful!
Wound Healing Kit:
Has been shown to speed healing of physical wounds, and perhaps also emotional wounds.
Refresh Your Memory:
Are you becoming a little forgetful? This is a very popular kit.
with every order over

Special 3: 750ml Shower Gel Pump Pack
Special price $50 (Save $10)
A family favourite; contains essences to remove negative energy fields, negative attachments
from others, and radiation energies.

Harmony Mist – Creates a harmonious space free from any negative energies. Important to spray in both clinic and home.
Just Me Plus – Aura spray to remove the negative energies of others.
(Possibly our most valuable spray.)
HIR Aura Mist – clears aura of the debilitating build-up of EMR. Another very important spray in this age of electronic devices.
Bliss for Feet – excellent for swollen, tired or sore feet. Great if your feet swell during plane travel.
Moving On – clears stuck, stagnant energy to get life moving on again. Most people find it really makes a difference.
I am Safe, All is Well – for grounding, protection and renewed vitality when energies – especially planetary energies are ‘all over the place’!
Positive Energy – replaces negative thinking with confidence and positivity.
Perfect Peace - for inner and outer peace; great for meditation and creating a peaceful space.
With Love – encourages unconditional love for self and others.
I Forgive and Release – encourages forgiveness and releases resentment to allow healing.
Cool, Calm Connected Kidz and Adultz – for peaceful, calm, happy behaviour.
I Can and I Will – for self-confidence and self-empowerment.
Heart-Centred Gratitude – Stimulates feelings of gratitude; an important part of healing.
(All sprays now contain Baler Shell for added effectiveness)
Special 5:
Shell Essence Healing Cards and Booklet,
plus Set of Infinite Energy Cards,
and Instructions.
Special Price: $30 (Save $9.95)

Hi, if you need any of our older newsletters please contact us info@shellessences.com
The newletter specials for this newsletter have now finished, but our new newsletter will be out shortly.