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Windowpane Oyster

Windowpane Oyster

Softens criticism of self and others; helps one see the beauty rather than ugliness.
  • more about Windowpane Oyster

    Windowpane Oyster

    Windowpane Oyster helps all those whose negative, critical self-talk distorts their view of self and others. They may look for, and nd fault with everything. Their self-doubt and low self-worth are expressed in criticism, anger and fear. This essence allows them to see the perfection, beauty and ‘rightness’ within all.

    Windowpane Oyster relieves the pressure of the ‘tall poppy syndrome’ – the need to nd fault with someone else’s success.

    Instead of focusing on the ‘ugly’ and imperfect, this essence helps us to appreciate and value ourselves, and thus to see value and worth in others. 

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