Quobba Coral
SKU: QuobbaCoral
A heart-centered Essence to allow those with spiritual uncertainty to experience positive vision of the truth and love within all. Positive visual clairvoyant ability.
more about Quobba Coral
Quobba Coral
Quobba Coral encourages development of a clear and positive visionary process to shed Light on issues which are obscured by fear. This essence allows the development of positive spiritual vision.
Quobba Coral is an uplifting essence which allows us to see the beauty and balance within all.
For those who project a negative vision of the future, Quobba Coral will ‘show’ them a more positive possibility.
This essence strengthens the bond between physical sight and spiritual vision.
A very positive essence able to ‘shed Light’ in many areas of our lives and promote healing in unexpected ways. “Expect the unexpected”.