Fluted Giant Clam
Addresses stress of ageing; encourages perception of youthfulness, wellbeing and vitality.
more about Fluted Giant Clam
Fluted Giant Clam
Fluted Giant Clam addresses the stress which may be encountered in all aspects of ageing. It encourages acceptance of the physical aging process, and allows us to appreciate the wisdom and spiritual understanding we have developed.
Fluted Giant Clam is a useful essence when there is fear, disgust, and self- criticism of ageing, and when we grieve for the loss of our youth.
Fluted Giant Clam may be indicated when there are any emotional imbalances which are due to the stress of ageing, such as feelings of alienation, uselessness and lack of acceptance by others.
Fluted Giant Clam has an energy which relates to collagen, so may be useful for scars, wounds and injuries, and any other imbalance affecting collagen, for example autoimmune diseases.
Fluted Giant Clam encourages perception of youthfulness and usefulness, vitality, wellbeing and self-actualisation.